O'Flaherty Rescue Relief at Ireland's Own, Sunday, October 16, 2005

Thank you to everyone who made the fundraising effort so successful.  Your generosity is most appreciated..God Bless!

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Pat O'Flaherty and Pat Troy Seamus Kennedy

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Pat Troy & Sean Fleming Sean Fleming

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Flying Cows of Ventry! supporters

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Supporters Patty Arcaro Raffle ticket seller extraordinaire!

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Don Cobert and Pat O'Flaherty Don Cobert & Pat O'Flaherty

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Bill Danoff & family Bill Danoff & John Carroll

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Brendan Sheridan, Seamus Kennedy, Pat O'Flaherty Mark Quinn Memorial Band

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Liam Cassidy & Pat O'Flaherty Val Little

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Brendan Sheridan & Don Cobert The Burke's

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Kathleen Barry & Pat O'Flaherty The bar crew